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                             Bumblebees Class                              (3 years old before September 1st)



This is a phonics curriculum that will teach letter recognition and sounds.  Children will be learning a new letter and sound each week.  Story, songs and rhymes reinforce phonetic concepts.  Workbooks will include coloring, circling and drawing a line to the right answers.  This curriculum will give your preschooler a jump-start in learning phonetic concepts as they complete a series of 12 phonics workbooks* and 12 Math workbook through- out the school year.



Children will be learning number recognition, adding and subtraction in a manner that will be appropriate and successful for their age group.



Learning centers alongside phonic curriculum provide a balance of experiences for children that foster the skills they need to develop such as; small motor, gross motor, cognitive and social growth.  Books, manipulatives, playdough table, art table, blocks and painting, puzzles, and playhouse-imaginative play are all part of our learning center environment that teach a balance of skill-building experiences across all areas of development.  This comprehensive and hands-on curriculum is perfect for preschoolers.



Children will hear a Bible story (age appropriate) once a week that will reinforce the principles, values and Christian character we want our children to develop.  Emphasizing integrity and a love for God, His word and a love for family and our American heritage.

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